The Project

The Project

Where from? Where now? is an in-depth multimedia project exploring women’s homelessness in London, looking at the reasons that have led women to become homeless and how they are rebuilding their lives.

Over the next eight months I will get to know and document the stories of a small group of women in a mixed hostel in Southwark.  I will also join outreach teams, visit day centres and investigate the lives of those remaining hidden from services. My aim throughout is to build up a picture of the experiences and needs of women across the diverse homeless population.

The project will combine photography, audio and text to capture a human insight into these women’s lives through their own voices, as well as through interviews with the people who work with them.

My work will be donated to St Mungo’s who are very kindly facilitating me on the ground throughout the duration of the project.

St Mungo’s is a leading provider of services for homeless people in London and the south of England, best known for its outreach work and hostels for rough sleepers. The charity has over 100 housing projects, including specialist hostels and supported housing. Specialist workers meet a variety of client needs, from helping with mental health problems and drug use to supporting women setting up in a new home.

St Mungo’s is at the start of a three-year women’s strategy to improve the help given to homeless women, recognising the need to address the emotional, psychological and relational factors of these women to enable them to achieve the personal change required for recovery.


Where from? Where now? is supported by Thomson Reuters Elite and The KnowList to whom I am really thankful for making this project possible. 

Thank you to all the people at St Mungo’s who have helped me in the build up to the project and for the access they are giving me on the ground.

Also, a big thank you to Dan Stevens and WJB Creative for all their help and patience in setting up this website.

And above all, to all the women, who are allowing me into their lives. I am extremely grateful for your generosity.